Circo Mystery Cowl KAL (and a Giveaway!)

Did you hear? It's time for another Mystery KAL!
I give this one a two thumbs up for FUN and LEARNING! I can't wait until it's time to cast on together! I've set up a KAL PAL program in my Ravelry group, we tried this for Meta Mystery KAL and it went REALLY well, so of course we need to do it again! If you have never participated in one of my MKAL's, (or feel like you would love some extra help) having a KAL PAL can be a great way to participate. A Tips and Tricks thread has been started to help you choose yarn and beads and work gauge... and everyone is already chatting away in preparation!

Members of 2015's M Club got some pretty special yarn for this KAL, an exclusive color of KnitCircus' Greatest of Ease in a new long-gradient style of yarn Jaala calls Dip-Dyes.

While we were working out the exact color Jaala was super patient and sent me multiple "trials" until we got just what I wanted.... and I saved one of the One-Of-A-Kind Dip Dye skeins for you! So let's have a giveaway!!!!

The giveaway details... 
I matched my extra skein to some fabulous beads and have it already for you...

Head over to Ravelry and Favorite and Queue (and maybe even purchase!) Circo Mystery KAL, and then leave a comment below by 12pm (EST) on August 23rd. Don't forget to leave a way to get in touch with you! I will randomly choose a winner on Monday the 24th and get your yarn and beads to you in plenty of time to join in! 


  1. Fun! Thanks, I love knitting with beads!

  2. Oh this sounds so exciting. I haven't done a mystery KAL before. The color looks really beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win. (Rav ID: zima21)

  3. This sounds like great fun!!! And beautiful!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This sounds like great fun!!! And beautiful!

  6. This will be my second KAL of Laura's, loved Meta and will surely love Circo! (Rav: kimt8511)

  7. This will be my second KAL of Laura's, loved Meta and will surely love Circo! (Rav: kimt8511)

  8. I love knitting cowls! Thanks for the opportunity! -MissNations on Rav

  9. You gave the greatest giveaways, Laura. I would love to win this fabulous yarn for your cowl. Hehl on ravelry

  10. Aloha,

    I just learned how to knit with beads and can understand the attraction. Knitting one of your patterns is on my bucket list.

    Mille grazie for the give away.


  11. This is my second MKAL with Laura and all. I learned so, so much participating in the Meta KAL, and when that project was completed, my knitting skills were greatly enhanced. I look forward to learning more in the Circo MKAL! Rav ID: drygardening

  12. Ooooh, this looks like fun. I enjoy knitting with beads and a cowl sounds very cool !

  13. This looks like a promisingly beautiful pattern. I love your chosen colorway.

  14. Lovely colours! Would love to do another mkal with u. Donnajburton on ravelry. Cheers

  15. I have never done beading before-but I'm excited to try! And that yarn looks so amazing! (Rav name : KaisaWM)

  16. It's a new mystery! I can't wait! Love this yarn and bead combo too! RegenoldFarm on Ravelry

  17. I haven't yet tried the KnitCircus gradient - it looks lovely!

  18. Beautiful yarn and beads. I been on a cowl knitting kick for a while.
    knittingdancer on Ravelry

  19. I don't need the Circo kit, but I really love the combination you've put together.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Lovely yarn, beads and pattern. A real winning combination.

  22. Love a good mystery!! This yarn & bead combination is gorgeous! Orangegiraffe on Rav

  23. The yarn and beads are beautiful! Love all your designs and I am sure this is another great one!

  24. I've never done one of your KAL before!

  25. The yarn & beads are gorgeous! I'm really looking forward to starting CIRCO! (Rav ID: DebbyKnits2)

  26. I'm signed up and Circo is in my project queue. I would love to do it in a gradient yarn. Great blue. Rav name: bdarci

  27. I love the colors! I'm all signed up, waiting for yarn and ready to go.

  28. O Laura, you're awesome! Thanks for the chance to win. Looking forward to finding out more about this "wacky construction" :) RavID: rebdavis

  29. Beautiful color, and a mystery! With beads! Such a treat. (Well, that's what I've heard... Beading kind of scares me.) RavID: diamondsparkle

  30. Don't know if I doing this right as this is my second attempt to comment. I love the blue colors and can't wait to get the first clue. Ravelry ID: kathydailey

  31. I've never participated in a KAL, but maybe this will be my first. I certainly LOVE the gradient yarn involved. Thanks for hosting the give-away.
    strawberrykid on Ravelry

  32. This will be my first mystery KAL! I am excited about the idea. Rav:AcrosstheUniverse

  33. The yarn is beautiful, and I do love knitting with beads! RavID: PossumOfTheGrotto

  34. Just bought the "pattern" and love, love, love the prize yarn. (See you around Knitters' Day Out, although I didn't luck into one of your classes this year. I'm still enjoying the jumping off point for beads that I got from one of your previous classes!)

    Siberspinner on Ravelry

  35. SharonAugust 18, 2015 at 10:40 AM
    I would love to win this! Already bought the pattern and will work it in with my other projects. Always love your KALs, always learn something! Reposting this to add my Rav ID - knit1baketoo

  36. Laura - I can't wait to see what wonderful knitting you've come up with for us this time - and in such wonderful blues!! It's fun to know someone will get one of the trial colors!
    - KnitFoolDeirdre on Rav

  37. Project page set up, pattern favorite and purchased. Even the gals I work with know that those blues are just for me! LOL Looking forward to another great mystery!

    stlwatrs on Rav

  38. I wasn't planning on doing this MKAL but love !!! the yarn and bead combo.

    Emfdvm in Rav

  39. I am having a lot of fun learning and playing with things that are not normally on my yarn radar. Looking forward to this one.

    redbelles on Ravelry

  40. Anticipation is building,
    Lots of chatter, I hear.
    A mystery is unfolding,
    For all to knit, without fear.
    ID sandyluvsyorkies

  41. Done quite a few Kals here, but haven't been in on the last ones, so now I'm really eager to join again as I know there is a lot to be learned. Looking forward to start.

  42. Beautiful blue!!! I look forward to knitting Circe with everyone! So much fun!!

  43. If I won this beautiful yarn and beads, I would gift it to my bff Sarah :) ♡

  44. K, trying again......would love to win the yarn AND beads. Love this Kentuvky blue color, it will be perfect! My ravelry name is sleekymom.

  45. Would love to do the KAL with you
    sparky136 on Ravelry

  46. A beaded cowl, that sounds lovely!

  47. How do so many people respond so fast!!! I really, really want to win this!!

  48. queued, faves, started project page.
    looking forward to this mkal!

    backtobasics on rav

  49. queued, faves, started project page.
    looking forward to this mkal!

    backtobasics on rav

  50. Put in Queue and favorited--the yarn looks luscious, and I love your beaded designs~!

    Deb (JerseyShoreDeb on Rav)

  51. This looks like a fun KAL! - Istenno on Rav

  52. Done and done!! Love this and can't wait to knit it! I'm RossFarmFibers on Rav 😘

  53. Would be great to win this as no gradient yarn available locally, thanks for the opportunity!

  54. Did both and now I'll cross my fingers and toes and hope to win!

  55. Thanks for the great giveaway--favorited and queued! KCarney on Rav

  56. I love your patterns, but haven't done any of the mystery KALs before. This cowl sounds like fun. I have some yarn in stash that I think will work, but this Knit Circus skein is beautiful and comes with my favorite beads. :-) Manneko on Ravelry

  57. This one is ABSOLUTELY beautiful too!

  58. This looks fun! Luv the color and would love to try knitting with beads. Thanks for the opportunity to try to win it.

  59. Had so much fun knitting the Meta mystery shawl, I can't wait for Sept. 15!

  60. Queued and purchased - Really hoping I manage to snag a spot in the M club next year. Planning on using Dream in Color Happy Forest... But I can always make 2 :)

  61. The blue gradient yarn you selected for the Circo cowl is so intense. I can't wait to see how the gradient develops and blends as we knit. Unbelievable color selection. Good job, Laura (as always)

  62. Thoroughly enjoyed the MetaKAL - looking forward to this one as well!!

    Synergy6 on ravelry

  63. Beautiful colors! Love knitting with beads. Thanks for the give-away.

  64. I loved doing the Meta Mystery KAL! It challenged my brain and skills. I can't wait to do this KAL and be challenged again! smfairless on Ravelry

  65. It would be very cool to win the yarn & beads, I got the pattern as soon as it was offered. On Rav I'm Sumac

  66. WOWOW!!! I would LOVE to win this beautiful yarn and beads! Already purchased the pattern when it first posted. LOVE your MKALs!

  67. WOWOW!!! I would LOVE to win this beautiful yarn and beads! Already purchased the pattern when it first posted. LOVE your MKALs!

  68. Have the pattern, have ideas for the yarn (unless I win of course!), queued and ready to go!

  69. This will be the first cowl that I knit and I'm super excited to knit it with beads! Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. This is my first mystery knit along. I cannot wait. I have some ideas for the yarn but haven't decided on one yet. Would love to be able to win this one. The yarn looks beautiful. Hope I win!! But more importantly am excited to start this mystery project.

  71. Oops, forgot this important info:
    Ravelry ID: brooklyn-knitter

  72. Awesome �� thanks for the chance (gotta be in to win !) piri127 on rav

  73. Is it September 15th yet? I have done all of the above and yarn is on it’s way.
    - kettavern on Ravelry

  74. I'm already in for the cowl. I hope to wear it on your cruise

  75. Fabulous! I would love to take part. I need some community around my knitting :) On ravelry as jennhx.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. That is beautiful yarn - and the beads are gorgeous too. I'd love a chance to win them and join the KAL!

  78. This will be my first MKAL and only my 2nd time trying to work with beads. The yarn and beads you are giving away are beautiful and would be perfect colors to make this project for my mother. On Ravelry as Chellemay

  79. This looks like a fantastic way to get back into a Nelkinite project!! Pattern purchased, favourited and queued up. Just need to figure out yarn and bead details!!

    Lynn P. (frazuld on Ravelry)

  80. This will be my second MKAL with Laura and I am really looking forward to learning new tips and tricks. Love the colour of the yarn and the beads are a perfect compliment to the yarn. Have purchased the pattern and would love to work with this yarn which is not available in South Africa.
    LesleyI on Ravelry.

  81. I saved and queued and bought the pattern on the first day! Thanks for the giveaway. Debbie

  82. I saved and queued and bought the pattern on the first day! Thanks for the giveaway. Debbie

  83. I enjoyed my last KAL with you! This one's just as exciting. Pattern's ready, and so am I. dkjune on Ravelry.

  84. Looks like fun. Felixsisknits on ravelry

  85. Love this yarn. Pattern is faved and queued.

    Finnknitter on Ravelry

  86. Lovely yarn and beads, and a cowl chock full o' learning - now that's my kind of back to school! Giveaways are lots of fun - thank you for making knitting life special. (Apenwell on ravelry)

  87. I would love to participate in another Laura Nelkin MKAL. The yarn and beads look very yummy!

    I'm stampergrandma on Ravelry

  88. Beautiful colors! Calcraft on Rav.

  89. Ooh what fab prize I'm in for the MKAL and it's a favourite and in my que. I'm loving the experience. Thanks. I'm HettiesMum on Rav. 😀

  90. Oops - forgot the contact info. I'm LaureT on Ravelry.

  91. Looking forward to learning new stuff. I'm bleusheep on Ravelry.

  92. Laura, would love to win the yarn! Thanks, Phoenix - or PhoenixKnitz on Ravelry

  93. As a previous M-club member I know its always exciting to knit Laura's patterns and her colour choices are awesome!!!
    Stefknits2 on Rav.

  94. Lovely color! Can't wait to start another mkal.
    Thanks! Rav id - akbger03

  95. I've never done one of these before, so really looking forward to trying this. I love Laura's patterns.

  96. Pretty pretty, I was already looking at my stash to find a yarn..Janetlatifa on Rav

  97. Purchased the pattern. Would be thrilled to win the yarn & beautiful beads.

  98. Adore knitting with beads, thanks to your class on Craftsy. love the color too.

  99. I would so love to receive yarn and beads for this pattern - which I am sure will be as wonderful as all the rest of your patterns, Laura.
    I'm maralu on Ravelry.

  100. What beautiful shades of blue in that yarn! SheilaOKeefe on Rav

  101. Looks like a fun KAL.
    dingledaisy on Rav.

  102. I love knitting with beads. Looking forward to knitting this. Thanks for the chance to win
    Rav ID Dieborl

  103. Looks fun! That color is gorgeous!- mirai108 on Ravelry

  104. Beads...Gradient...A Laura Nelkin KAL...sounds like fun!
    Rav ID janedie

  105. I love the color and would love to give this a go! Kattolio on Ravelry

  106. Love the yarn and beads! Looks like it will be a fun knit!

    Ravelry name: IMKnittified

  107. Looking forward to my first LN KAL!

  108. I bought the pattern and have been looking at yarn and beads. Looking forward to a fun fall project! Furbeycat on ravelry.

  109. What beautiful yarn and beads! I'm sure the design will be fantastic! Mamagiff on ravelry

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Beautiful yarn and beads!! Will click and place in Favorites and Library :-)

  112. Beautiful yarn and beads! Will place in Favorites, Queue, then in Library. :-)
    moonglow225 on Ravelry.

  113. I looooooove the yarn you're giving away Laura, it's exquisite as are your beads. What are they? vivcrest

  114. The last MKAL I did of yours was Kinectic MKAL back in 2012. It was a challenge and I learned plenty. Currently traveling so I have saved your email to purchase the pattern but if I do not need to pick yarn and beads by winning both then that is a win win.

    Kathy (Katbrown on Ravelry)

  115. The yarn color is lusious and the beads are wonderful!!! Would love to win! Your designs are awesome!!

  116. Jaala's yarn is so beautiful; I'm excited to see how you use it!
    Lindaran on Rav

  117. Jaala's yarn is so beautiful; I'm excited to see how you use it!
    Lindaran on Rav

  118. Jaala's yarn is so beautiful; I'm excited to see how you use it!
    Lindaran on Rav

  119. Love this colorway!!I Already have a project page started. (Rav ID: stitchalong)

  120. Looking forward to another fun knitalong. I always learn so much.

  121. Looking forward to start this MKAL. I'm sure it is another beautiful project. Thanks Laura! My Rav ID : Piwang.

  122. Looks like a fun KAL! Ravelry ID: Bubbysjody

  123. The combination of the two is beautiful! This is my first MKAL with Laura. I'm looking forward to it! My Ravelry name is Lfisher03.

  124. Ok... just can't resist :-) Yarn is gorgeous! LannieK on Rav

  125. Ok... just can't resist :-) Yarn is gorgeous! LannieK on Rav

  126. Ok... just can't resist :-) Yarn is gorgeous! LannieK on Rav

  127. Oh my!!! What gorgeous yarn. I've never knitted with beads, but have always wanted to. How exciting!! Rav: Tea7

  128. ooooooooooh!
    What a gorgeous combination!
    And what joy to whoever wins this fabulous present!
    Thanks Laura for your generosity!
    All new to me, so exciting!
    Can't wait to join in!
    Rav: filidhruadh

  129. The yarn is beautiful! I haven't done one yet, but I would love to try it, can't wait to join one. Thank you for all your hard work

    margarete2000 on Rav

  130. Beautiful combination. I have always wanted to knit with knit circus yarn. Using beads would also be a new technique to me. I'm wjames on Ravelry.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Lovely colors and love the beads
    I'm mamawitch666 on Ravelry

  133. Lovely colors and love the beads
    I'm mamawitch666 on Ravelry

  134. Lovely colors and love the beads
    I'm mamawitch666 on Ravelry

  135. I love your patterns and love to win the giveaway.
    Lmecoll on Ravelry

  136. Looking forward to Circo! Having fun tryng to decide on yarn. So many choices and considerations!
    dmbellantone on Ravelry

  137. I had been looking at your craftsy course for a long time as I love lace and last month I decided to enroll in your mastering lace shawls course and I'm currently in the last few rows of skywalker's planet stich and loving it :) you always manage to put me in a good mood when following the next step in the course. Since then I discovered your M Club and I'm eagerly awaiting to sign in for the 2016 one. My next step is to sign in for the Circo mystery kal. I am so looking forward in doing my first KAL which is also a mystery one which also has beads!! Ahhhh!!! All firsts! Haha! :)

    1. And I got lost in all the excitement and forgot to mention my ravelry id, so here it is 'ccami'. Looking forward for the 15th :)

  138. I can't wait to start this! (cb1411)

  139. I have my pre pattern instructions and I'm all signed up. Now if I could win the yarn and beads that would really make it sweet.

  140. I would love to win the yarn and beads to this Mystery KAL! You have enabled me into a new obsession ..with beads and yarn. The yarn has been an obsession for years but the beads are just recent and I am like a maniac matching patterns...yarn and BEADS! I took your Craftsy class and I am hooked but I have just not jumped into the deep end with your Mystery Kals. Please pick me so I can further my insane addiction to knitting and beads! Ravelry name Sammyhud

  141. This sounds like great fun! Your blue gradient is gorgeous.

  142. I've purchased the KAL and I'm excited to begin. I would love to win the beautiful yarn and beads!
    Thank you Laura :-)

  143. Beautiful color yarn and beads! terlan on Ravelry

  144. My first Nelkin designs mkal. I have a pretty blue and will need to pick some beads. (If I don't win...). Docjulie on ravelry

  145. Favorited and queued-- would love to win the OOAK skein! Love the color!

    Debbie4 on Rav

  146. Ooh, yarn and beads. I love both those things! LadySabriel on Ravelry, fingers crossed!

  147. Faved, queued and set up project page. Now need to figure out yarn. Hope to be in the M-Club next time around!! Just love those cowls!!! Moonmaid7 on Ravelry

  148. Love just love this yarn! Jaala does amazing work! & you design fabulous projects! juliev25 on Ravelry

  149. This MKAL sounds like so much fun!

  150. Your MKALs are the best! This yarn IS one of a kind lovely! Susulu69

  151. Getting ready for this MKAL. Searching my yarn and bead stashes for something that works together... Going to post some ideas on the discussion page and see what people suggest :)

  152. Gorgeous blues, I love them! Thanks for hosting what I'm sure will prove to be a great MKAL! (Rev ID: cakersknits)

    1. Make that Rav ID: cakersknits (fat finger typing today!)

  153. Super excited to try my first Mystery KAL! I love cowls.

  154. Couldn't resist this MKAL, Nelkin design + opportunity to use beads + cowl.....I am in. Love the beads in the give away! What is the color?

    Ravelry ID: Motorgirl

  155. Perfect for my Xmas knitting lust. (Leaving my phones autocorrect, because it fits!) timesnlatte on rav

  156. Hi! I am so looking forward to this KAL. I hope to learn how to read charts better, and I am very excited about incorporating beads into my pieces. I have a friend that does beautiful things with beads, and she is my inspiration! On Ravelry, I am Spartagirl. Thank you so much!

  157. Great yarn and beads, I am really having trouble finding yarn for this one, living in a no-nice-yarn-country. I am anjahansen on ravelry.

  158. Love the yarn and bead combination. Can't wait to see what they turn into!
    beaniest17 on Ravelry

  159. Gorgeous! I'm knitwitch39 on Ravelry.

  160. So pretty!! This will be my first time knitting with beads!
    annapatricia on Rav

  161. Love, love, love this color! I am sure you have created something fabulous to knit with it. You're the "best!"
    Vi Zborowski - previous club member

  162. Looks beautiful! That colour is stunning. Rav ID: nicoletavares

  163. A beaded cowl is prefect for the cooler weather coming soon! (Although it is 90+ outside right now, ugh! Rav ID: sigh)

  164. So excited for this MKAL! Rav ID: mikron

  165. I can't wait for this to start, now if I could just come up with the right yarn....
    Rav id paknitter

  166. Beautiful yarn and bead combination. I need to do another one of your KALs. The last one I did was Kinetik, and I really enjoyed it.

    Rav ID: MeanderingHome

  167. Beautiful yarn and beads - I can't wait to see how this pattern turns out (asimplehomestd on Rav)

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Wow, such a lovely gradient! Thanks Laura for the tons of giveaways you do!
    I'm 3owin on ravelry.

  170. WooHoo another giveaway. Laura, you are so generous with your giveaways. The yarn and beads are beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to knit another MKAL with you and all the Nelkinites.

    I am sandiphi on Ravelry

  171. Sounds like fun. On Ravelry I am mkroth92

  172. Favorited and queued on Ravelry - d4obrien.

  173. This is my second MKAL with you and the last (Meta) was fun. Bring on the beads! I'm on Revelry as rebeccadahls

  174. Even though I have not finished META yet, I have to sign up for the next KAL!
    Love my META so far...just hard to focus as needed during the summer.

    Love the yarn! Thanks for the incredible patterns and the giveaway!

  175. I'd love to join this MKAL! That's beautiful yarn. (I'm WordLily on Rav.)

  176. Okay, you sucked me in again on a KAL. I am anita21148 on Rav. And to think it all started with you with a Craftsy class! Love your designs.

  177. This would be lovely to win. I always have trouble finding beads.....

  178. Beads scare me but the colors indicate beautiful piece to knit! Love the idea.

  179. I've never knit with beads or done a mystery KAL - would love to do both!

  180. Looks like so much fun! and pretty too!

  181. Looks like so much fun! and pretty too!

  182. You had me at beads!
    ravelry id oslogirl

  183. You had me at beads!
    ravelry id oslogirl

  184. That yarn is beautiful! Should be a great MKAL!
    rav id nodice

  185. I just discovered your lovely patterns and have never knit with beads or done an MKAL before so I'm looking forward to both!
    ravelry id StarKytten
