Star of Butin Kits (and a Giveaway!!!)

Last holiday season I released a pattern for Star of Butin and was asked again and again if I would make kits.... so I did!

Introducing Star of Butin Kits!
16 yards of mercerized perle cotton
16 grams Size 8/0 glass seed beads
12 grams Size 6/0 glass seed beads (big)
Dental floss threader (for stringing beads)
2 hooks for hanging
PDF pattern download code

Includes yarn and beads to make
2 Ornaments
Choosing colors for these was a joy... and then writing up the pattern for the different color options was a brain teaser!
For those of you who already own the pattern you will see that there is an updated version on Ravelry that includes stringing beads for the 2-color (Glacier and Crystal), 3-color (Peppermint) and 5-color (Pinwheel) versions.

This pattern has a video tutorial for the cast on which is super helpful! You are going to have fun with these! I think they will be this year's gift for all my "people".... once you get the hang of knitting them they are FAST.

So, are you starting to get ready for the holiday season? What are you planning? Let's inspire each other and have a giveaway to get the holiday ball rolling... 

Who wants a chance to win a Star of Butin Kit of their choice?

Just leave a comment below letting us know your plans.... don't forget to leave a way to get in touch with you... I'll keep comments open through October 30th and announce a winner in a future blog post!


  1. Planning on working on a Contexta Afghan as a present for my daughter and her fiance for Christmas (or as a wedding gift).

    susiripple on ravelry

  2. I won't be going home for Christmas this year and I hate mailing stuff because it gets so expensive. These would be an ideal size for mailing and something for the tree to boot! Katolio on Ravelry

  3. Knitting a mermaid lapghan for my (20+) youngest daughter and several cowls for each of my two older daughters. Also a blanket and sweater set for my grandson. And a blanket and sweater set (paid) for one of my cousins. I may need to take some time off from my full time job to accomplish this!! SweetLorraine on Ravelry

  4. I plan on knitting an All-Ways cowl for a gift exchange, several Texo Cuffs for my knitting buddies and a dozen Star of Butin ornaments for my spinners group.ubermadchen on ravelry

  5. I have already started knitting some tiny mitten's for my daughter's Xmas tree. I think she would love these beaded ornaments too.

  6. The new Butin kits are gorgeous. I have been churning out cowls for gifts this year but there might be some Butin stars as well. hehl on Ravelry

  7. I am knitting mostly cowls and hats for gifts this year (but my Medio Cowl looks so good on the needles I might keep it for myself), but seeing this post reminded me that I got a few of your ornament kits last year, but haven't knit them up yet. I think ornaments would be great stocking stuffers, and I really like the new color combinations!

  8. No plans yet, but I do love making ornaments for gifts and these would be perfect! Thanks, Laura. AnneSATX on Ravelry

  9. I'd love to make these ornaments for stocking stuffers this year. I'm also reading your book for a little knitting inspiration. Thanks, beadsncrochet on Ravelry.

  10. Too early to make plans--gotta see what my parents want to do. But I'll definitely be knitting in any 'downtime.' carolsumie on Ravelry

  11. I will be baking 20+ gingerbread houses soon for the girls to have their annual gingerbread house party. This is how we kick off the holiday season.

  12. I knit a hat for my great niece and nephew every year to add to their presents.
    sparky136 on Ravelry

  13. I'd love to knit some of these ornaments for gifts. I think everyone would love one, including me. Thanks for the chance to win a kit!
    Lmecoll on Ravelry

  14. I love knitting little stuffies for the kids' stockings every year so I'm getting started on those!
    Shing on Rav

  15. I plan to paint glass balls with my kids- the paint inside, and knit around them. These would match well too! Cant beat beads!!!!
    Docjulie on ravelry

  16. hi Laura

    I forgot to add my Rav ID...I added a comment but not sure it went thru...
    lots of knitting getting finished up for Christmas but have time to make two of these beautiful for a very dear friend and one for me

    donna1504 on Rav

    thanks for the fun give away

  17. I've already made several gifts and have quite a list of things still to get made. These ornaments would fit quite lovely in the mix! Thanks for the chance to win.
    rkohlman on ravelry

  18. My knitting group has an ornament exchange every year -- and these would be perfect!

  19. Love the kits! Sounds like I will be creating a few before xmas!

  20. No gift knitting this year but I've been finishing stockings and ornaments to commemorate new editions to the family. These would be perfect editions. Jaydawnrn on Ravelry

  21. I'm working on a mohair beaded stole for my mom...seems like an endless project LoL. If I can ever get that done, I'm sure I'll knock out a couple of scarves. juliannahey on ravelry

  22. I am planning a quiet Christmas at home with lots of knitting! I might need to relax after the knitting cruise comes back to port! LOL! Definitely working on a mermaid blanket for my 21 year old daughter and starting my Contexta Octagons! Not sure about a tree yet because we have a very rambunctious new puppy and that feels like a disaster waiting to happen! dmorgan166 on ravelry

  23. Not sure what we're doing for Chriistmas yet. But right now I'm knitting a hat for my granddaughter.

  24. Well with 6 kids all 12 yrs old and younger I will likely be running in circles :) plans so far for knitting in the next while are winter hats, mitts and a sweater. Cheers and thx for the chance to win.

    Donnajburton on ravelry

  25. I'm working on ornaments for the grown-ups and hats for the kids. This will make a great addition whether I'm lucky or buy it myself. :D
    Thanks Laura.
    Kathy (PokyJo on Ravelry)

  26. I am looking for some fairly quick knit cowls for my co-workers and friends. Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

  27. My plan is to survive until Jan. 2.

  28. Hi I plan on finishing my Vindur sweater now that I finished my Ducenti, which I love. I also have to finish the blanket kal I am doing with webs that's a gift for my oldest boy. And I have visits and plans for the holidays and I just got called to Jury Duty in December so in my spare time I thought I could maybe make a peppermint Butin star and maybe maybe make a plan for World Peace, or something in my spare time, right???

  29. I'm working on socks for my daughter and son-in-law, 3 pairs each! I'd also love to make some white ornaments for my red and white tree.

  30. Hi, I had wonderful plans to finish a sweater for my DIL that is 2 Xmases late. But then I took your Craftsy beading class, and it looks like I'll be knitting a pile of Pioneer Cuffs for every girl and woman on my list. I just hope I started in time. A lot of those maneuvers you do so smoothly are still slow for a klutz. But I love this pattern!!!

  31. I'm going to be knitting accessories for my grandkids this year.


  32. Every year I make knitted ornaments, past ones have been little sweaters with the recipients initial, tiny socks, and mittens. This years will be little hats and maybe a matching scarf if I get started soon. If I win then this will be next years ornament which would be perfect because I'm running out of miniatures.

  33. Some years we decorate our tree with only handmade ornaments, so I'm always looking for good ornament patterns! I'm WordLily on Rav.

  34. Winter white lace boot cuffs with beads and a reverse side knit in cables (or maybe double ribbing?) with a different color yarn. Two pair of boot cuffs in one!

    I don't have any of the "profiles" listed, but I am Becky L Rudella at .

  35. I would love to make these for my work colleagues as gifts, and for my own tree!
    crazyknit68 on ravelry.

  36. I would love to add these to my tree next to the stars I got last year. I'm currently working
    on a pair of socks, fingerless gloves, a quilt, reverse cross stitch coasters and waiting for
    the project from LoLa. I like having several projects going.

  37. I have a few Adornments kits that I will be knitting this season... And thinking about crocheting an angel tree topper as well.

    Rav ID kellimullin1

  38. First Christmas without my parents as they have both passed on. It will be strange for us not having them here. We plan on celebrating as best we can as a family - this would make them proud and happy

  39. Planning to knit more beaded ornaments for Christmas gifts-- they were a big hit last year.

  40. Haven't started holiday knitting but hope to soon - beaded ornaments for sure.

  41. My knitting group always gives each other small gifts for Christmas. Now I know what mine will be. Just ordered the butin kit in crystal.
    I have so much to do in November, please don't tell me what the new KAL will be!!! I just finished Crucero Banda and it is beautiful amd I am almost through with French Artichoke mittens for a special friend who is disabled. I am more than ready to start the Star of Butin, but looking forward to my Lola package in November. Please slow down, Laura, so I can.

  42. I plan on knitting some Christmas ornaments for my grandmother. She turned 85 this year and it's a bit hard to make her a gift but she loves Christmas decorations. :)

    My mother is one part a practical person and one part loves cute and beautiful things. I plan buying her a certain pill box/organizer she likes and knit or crochet something that will hold just one of the compartments in case she travels or is away for the day and needs to take her medicine with her.

    And for my home I'd like to have some Christmas decorations as well. :D

  43. I'll be working this Christmas, and be spreading the cheer at the nursing home where I work. Love the peppermint version!

  44. I suspect I will be on my own for Christmas, trip to Oz postponed one more year because life happened. I will make a turkey and all the fixin's anyway. I knit small gifts for all my co-workers, I think an ornament would be the perfect gift and a way to use up some of my mini skeins and other "left overs".

  45. We'll be home for the holidays this year so I am planning to make something from the book I purchased at your "Knitting with Beads" class at the Knitters edge in PA last year.

  46. I love making ornaments but I'm bad 'cause I keep them for myself!

  47. I bought a ton of yarn and beads to make adornaments so obviously I'll need to add star of butin to the mix!

  48. I'm trying to put together an "advent calendar" of sorts for my kids including different small family activities (read a nativity story, watch A Christmas Story, make snowflakes, etc) to do as a countdown to Christmas.

  49. I'm making a dog blanket for my honey's sweet little dog.
    gussek on Ravelry

  50. I'm making a dog blanket for my honey's sweet little dog.
    gussek on Ravelry

  51. Hi Laura ~ & all the sweet friends. I spent almost all the entire year knitting a wedding shawl for my daughter. Your LADEN was going to be made for the BMaids but I didn't get that far, so I hope to make them for my daughters.
    I have this ornament pattern but would Love to win a kit ~ peppermint or glacier! Love & Peace from Marilyn ~ the Pelican

  52. working on spinning homework and will try some of these gorgeous Butin for the Guild sale
    rav ID susanjd

  53. So far no immediate holiday knitting plans. I only knit for my immediate family though. Past few years have had me make Totoro mittens, a matching hat, and a mandrake.
    Ravelry- AlisonFashion

  54. Plans always include knitting for my sisters and friends and daughters-in-law! This year it's a shawlette for each. I have 1.5 left! ;)

  55. Already started a sweater for my son's girlfriend.

  56. I made the Butin Collar three times and I'm definitely game for the ornament. The crystal version is my favorite. I am hoping to finish a sweater for my son before Christmas. It's on the needles but slow going.

  57. I am knitting a cowl for my nephew's wife in her favorite college team colors.

  58. perfect timing - I am planning on knitting some ornaments this year, and was just starting to scope out my options - star of butin is a definite contender. :-) Love the glacier!

  59. So beautiful! I love that you took the time to create the kits, as the options can be overwhelming! IronicalKnitter on Rav

  60. I'm making sweater and hats and slippers this Christmas but those ornaments make me wonder if I should change plans, they are lovely!

  61. I'm making sweater and hats and slippers this Christmas but those ornaments make me wonder if I should change plans, they are lovely!

  62. So far plans include finishing shawls and hats for my daughters. Heartwise

  63. These look like something even a relatively new knitter can do so I am adding these ornaments to my to do list. Now I just need to finish the sweater for my grandson!

  64. I can't wait to try these. They are so cute!

  65. I will be making a few scarves and hats for little ones. Plan on taking a trip to Texas for the holidays.
