You Know You are Grown Up When...

This weekend I am turning 40... I haven't had any histrionics about it (yet), frankly I welcome it!  I've felt a wee bit "young" my entire adult life, it's as if I never really stopped being 29, and I actually relish the credibility I have decided being 40 will give me!

To celebrate my 40th birthday I would like to play a game with you.  I made it up (because Birthday Girl's are allowed to do that) and it is called "You Know You are Grown Up When..."

Here's how you play:  
1.  Meditate on the phrase You Know You are Grown Up When...
2.  Leave a comment with your answer to this age old question. ('cuse the pun, couldn't help myself!)

On Monday March 28th, when my birthday weekend is officially over, I will choose five of my favorite entries and gift them with any pattern of mine that they want!

Here are some example's we've come up with this week:
You Know You are Grown Up When... you've cooked a turkey.
You Know You are Grown Up When... you decide to interview financial advisors first. (or even hire one for that matter)
You Know You are Grown Up When... your leg hair crawls up onto your chin!


  1. you are embarrassed your GYN is 1/2 your age and you think every new doctor looks like a kid.

    (Happy Happy Bday!)

  2. The words "That's too late to eat dinner" leave your mouth before your brain catches it. sigh...

  3. When you say to your daughter "Young lady, come over here this INSTANT!" ack!

  4. When your daughter trades in dolls for Bob Marley and Grateful Dead posters.

  5. you know you are grown up when you.."sound like your mother!"

  6. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests

  7. The clerk at the department store calls you "ma'am."

  8. During the years you live on this earth there are many times you realize that you "are" growing up but, you know you've really "grown up" when time turns around and you find yourself taking care of your parents. My turn to show them the same caring love as they have shown me...
    Andrea W. (KnitAweigh- Ravelry)

  9. I maybe not really be grown up yet but I felt like it when I spent tax return money on... Appliances (sigh)

  10. You take a college class and your teacher is way younger than you. (ugh)

  11. when you choose to wear the snowboots and hat your mother was always reminding you to wear. Cindy in ND

  12. You know you're grown up when you're actively thinking of ways to use less toilet paper, paper towels, kleenexes, and electricity because you figure out how huge a part of your budget they are.

    (and let's face it- I'm 28 years old and still get a little thrill of "I'm a grownup!" when I walk into the grocery store with a list of meal ingredients for an entire week, plus coupons to save extra money!)

  13. You know you're grown up when someone calls you Ma'am.

  14. when you get excited about "cute" washing machines and dryers.
    When my best friend got her new energy-efficient top-loading model with the see-through top, I had to go over and check it out - after a few minutes of our excited chatter we started to laugh about how we were all excited over laundry appliances.

  15. dad gives you your first "adult" toothbrush

  16. you get to eat all the cookies you want...if there are any after eating all the cookie dough you want

  17. your snow angels are THAT much deeper than those of your kids (i deny any relation between the cookie remark and the depth of snow angel remark)

  18. you know you're grown UP when your (about to be spoiled rotten) son describes someone as "almost as tall as mommy!" (mommy is 5'3 on a good day)

  19. You know you're grown up when you no longer worry about growing up:)
    Happy Birthday...
    I'm half way to 116 years young!

  20. but ... (sing along now) "if growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up never grow up never grow u-up, not me!"

  21. When, if you are a teacher, you realize that you remember something that your students don't- be it a trend, a television show, or a major event.

  22. you ask the waitress to turn the music down so you can concentrate on your soup.

  23. You Know You are Grown Up live on your own, pay your bills with your paycheck and it is a game to see how far into a month you can live on $25.00! No guilt when ya spend it on great cheese and wine.
    Life is Good!
    1) Live in the Now
    2) Live with No Regrets
    3) Best things in life are Messy (So go get messy!)

  24. When your babies start having babies

  25. You know you're grown up when you actually care how the stock market is doing.

  26. You know your grown up when you don't care if what your wearing looks cool.

  27. I knew I was grown up when I didn't need to readjust the seat and the mirrors every time I got into the driver's seat of my car(because I didn't have to share it with anyone else!)

  28. You Know You are Grown Up When...all the furniture in your house was chosen by you not by what you could find in the alley or as a hand me down.

  29. your family life comes before your job. (To the first respondent, when I was doing my first job as a junior doctor, I was really cross patients said 'You look too young to be a doctor!' Now I'd be delighted...)

  30. ...and you forget to leave your contact details when they need to be attatched...

  31. ...and you forget to leave your contact details when they need to be attatched...

  32. You know you are grown up when... you reach the same age your Mom was when your Dad threw that surprise "over the hill" party for her. (Yes, I'm just a wee bit past that age now. LOL)

  33. You can take care of youself without the aid of alcohol. I was 19 and 22 when my parents passed away. Spent a couple of years on the road to acoholism before I realized that is not what they would have wanted for me. That's when I grew up and starting taking care of myself.

  34. You hear yourself say to your child "When I was your age....." Oh no when did I become my mother?????

  35. "You know your grown up when..."

    ...Your daughter wants to dress in the exact style you used to wear at her age. i.e. bubble skirt

    ...You go to an antique store and the latest "vintage" items are from your generation.

    ...You pick friends who really see "you" for who you are.

  36. ...when you're having brunch with your closest friends and the conversation is not about men but refinancing your mortgages!

  37. Cathy M. (catrina1223)March 26, 2011 at 9:07 AM

    When the clothes you wore as a kid come 'back' into style!

  38. you hear a song 'remake' that was popular when you were 'young'


    Have a wonderful Birthday weekend! I honestly didn't think you were a day over 30!!

  39. Jenny May (renewedmind on ravelry)March 26, 2011 at 9:36 AM

    When your candles cost more than your cake! ;)

  40. when you would rather keep the radio off in the car because there's just too much noise.

  41. when you don't worry about your age and figure out that birthdays beat the alternative.

  42. You're a grown-up when you meet somebody you haven't seen in a long time and they say you look just like your

  43. When you're finally old enough to stay up as late as you want, and you can't . . . .you're asleep on the couch at 8:30 on a Friday night!!

  44. When a dinner and a movie is 'the WHOLE date,' not the beginning of one! -Kathryn

  45. when you start referring to everyone under the age of 30 as 'riff-raff,' 'punks,' or 'hoodlum,' but you're a cool old person if you use words like 'ruffian' or 'misanthrope.'

    OR you watch as your husband chases kids off your lawn.

  46. You know you are a grown up when you lived through the event being discussed in the chapter you are teaching in history class.

  47. You know you are growing up when things you remember from your childhood, your students have never heard of.

  48. You know you are grown up when you take your own pillow with you when you stay in a hotel because you know that if you don't get a good nights sleep you won't be able to function the next day!

  49. You know you are grown up when you have to buy your own birthday cake and you realize that no one makes as big a deal of it for you than your mother did.

  50. You know you are grown up when you view napping and going to bed early as treats, not punishments. Happy birthday!

  51. You know you're a grown up when you realize that the things that come naturally to you are actually your unique talents and gifts... that they don't come easily to everyone... they are what makes you YOU!
    Laura you figured this out a while ago and we all get to benefit from your wonderful talents :) Happy Happy Birthday!

  52. You turn 40 and the gray hairs on your head no longer look like highlights...

  53. You know you're grown up when you can barely stay up to ring in the New Year or alternatively, you go to sleep at your regular time on a Friday night because if you don't you'll be way too grouchy the next day...LOL

  54. pdsknits on ravelryMarch 27, 2011 at 6:03 PM

    When I am with my children, I let them set the goal/task/event and plan the how/when/why and just follow their lead.

  55. ... when you arrange to write your will.

  56. ...when it stops seeming strange to refer to your peers as "men" and "women" instead of "guys" and "girls."

  57. I hope it's not too late to add mine!

    You Know You are Grown Up can stay up as late as you want, eat ice cream for dinner, and don't have to clean your room...but you still get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and can see your bedroom floor (at least most days).
