Adorn- A Knitted Jewelry Collection

Notice I've been a little quieter than usual here? There's good reason for that! Besides being distracted by spring break I've been working on a new project.

Adorn is a collection of knitted jewelry designs.  Patterns will be released once a month, starting with May's pattern, Ribband and ending in December. There will also be two surprises, for a total of 10 designs. These are great projects to get you playing with beads, to make as gifts, to keep in your purse for portable knitting projects, and most importantly to get you started on creating a beads stash (if you don't have one already!) 

There will be necklaces, bracelets, earrings, scarflettes, and maybe even a belt.... not all designs will incorporate beads, though most will. 

Each of the patterns will also be sold separately. When you buy the entire collection as an ebook, you will also get two SURPRISE designs which will not be available for purchase alone. 

You can read more about the details of Adorn here or on Ravelry here.

Ready for the first pattern?  
Introducing: Ribband
Ribband, May's pattern, is a 34" long strand of knitting and is based on a simple 4-stitch, 2-row repeat.  It only needs 10 yards of fingering or lace weight yarn.  Ribband can be worn as a necklace, or a cuff and is perfect for throwing on with a t-shirt and jeans as we head into the warmer months.  Ribband will get it's own blog post next week... promise!

You can read more about Ribband here or on Ravelry here.

I'm so excited to work on this new adventure with you all!  I've got some great designs in the works I look forward to sharing.


  1. Congrats, I LOVE this concept, every bit of it! What a great idea and the first project looks amazing!

  2. Very pretty! Beaded knitting is something I should try more of...

  3. Knitted jewelry is such a unique concept. It's innovative and very creative, simple yet sophisticated. It goes to show that you can still look pretty good with jewelry without spending too much. =)

  4. Thanks so much Bridget! This project was so much fun to work on!

  5. Don't think about the cost when you purchases jewelry. Because you must find your favorite one in reasonable price in arteficial jewellery India online shop. Their survives is good.


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