ChiaoGoo Giveaway!

Last week, Julie from ChiaoGoo got in touch with me to see if I would do a giveaway for their new Interchangeable Sets.... and who can say no to giving you all the opportunity to win something I already bought, own and LOVE?
So, I have one each of the new 4" TWIST and SPIN Small Interchangeable Needles sets to giveaway.  The sets include US tip sizes 2 - 8, 8" cables, end stoppers, cable connector, stitch marker, needle gauge and a nifty case.  I don't think these have started shipping to shops yet... so y'all are really getting a treat!

I actually don't have this set, I bought 4" tips individually to put into my current set, but if this set had existed when I went shopping I would have bought it instead : )! 4 inch tips come in super handy... you can use them for working anything in a smaller diameter, like a hat, or sleeve, or cowl as they work with an 8" cord.  I've also found it really handy to have a second set of tips when I'm working on multiple projects at once (which is like all the time)!

The Knockout Knits tour is almost over, I'm off to Chicago this weekend for Vogue Knitting Live, and then to the DC area to teach at Fibre Space and The Yarn Spot on Nov 6th - 9th, and then it's time to take a break... I think I want to have Thanksgiving in my pajamas. During all this travel I've been working on a super secret collection for a super secret new yarn for one of my favorite yarn companies.... I hope to have sneak peeks to show soon.  It's so hard keeping secrets.... and I've got some holiday knitting AND some M Club knitting to do so I need to wrap it up!

Have you started planning your holiday knitting?  What's ready for the needles?  Maybe the sets above will come in handy. Just leave a comment below letting us know your holiday knitting plans.  Now's the time to make them!  I'll close the comments on 11/29 at midnight EST and randomly choose two winners the next day!

Thankyou ChiaoGoo!!!!! (Also, I love that ChiaoGoo means Crafty Lady in Chinese!)


  1. I *love* ChiaoGoo needles and would be so grateful to have the shorter set for those small circular knitting projects! I'm hoping to make some mitts and hats as gifts, and these needles would really help. :)

  2. I have actually almost finished my Christmas knitting! I planned ahead this year! So, I am mostly knitting for MYSELF this holiday season. Have a couple of lace shawls planned, plus Trapeze Scarf from Knockout Knits and am planning on casting on Oscillo from Just One More later this week as I did my swatch yesterday and got gauge FIRST TRY!!! Love ChiaoGoos and was thinking of adding extras to my Christmas wish list.... the short ones would be PERFECT!!! Eleanor (Prayerknitter on Ravelry)

  3. I have never knit with ChiaoGoo before, but I've heard such good things! I am working on hats and cowls for everyone this year.

  4. wow, ChiaoGoo needles?!!! This is super! I've been working on cowls, hats, blankets and perhaps a Nelkin shawl. I would love to win this set!!!

  5. I have the five inch stainless complete set and I ADORE them! I would love to have a four inch set as I knit so many hats! I have tried the nickel plated interchangeable sets from other companies and the metal eventually flies due to the acidity of my skin. No problems with these needles as they are stainless through and through. Plus the cases are wonderful!

    I love knowing I have Crafty Lady needles! So the big question is, how do you PRONOUNCE ChiaoGoo?

  6. I have lots of cowls planned for holiday knitting, these needles sure would come in handy! Plus they're like nothing I currently have!

  7. I love my Chiagoo needles, they are always in use and an extra set of small tips would be ever so handy!

  8. I love Chiaogoo needles! And Im making 2 sweaters and several pairs of socks as Christmas gifts this year!

  9. I love Chiagoo needles and can always use more for all my st nicolaas and christmas gifts I want to make

  10. Wow, what a super treat! I am working on sweaters for the family this year for holiday knitting... an owl card for our teenaged daughter and a scrappy stripe raglan for our 10 year old! Crossing my fingers! Ravname JoannaJohnson

  11. I'm hoping to make a sweater for my sister. She thinks I'm such Crafty Lady!

  12. I hope to make good progress on many UFOs, if I can stop myself from spending too much time around the holiday table!

  13. WOW, I would LOVE to win a set of these ChiaoGoo needles!! I need to make some more gifts from Knockout Knits (mitts, hats) and then an Oscillo for me. A girl can NEVER have too many needles on hand and I hear ChiaoGoo are the best!!!

  14. I love my Chiaogoos and would find the smaller tips super-useful! My Christmas knitting is already underway - Oscillo on the needles and two Hibisco kits waiting in the wings. I then need to knit a Christmas toy for my DD and see how much time I have left!

  15. You are one busy woman! I have a few projects on the go that will probably be Christmas gofts, including a couple of pairs of Prolix mitts, my Cheery Boom, and the horgeous Halli that my Ravelry friends helped me to knit. I also have yarn for a couple of cowls and still need to decide on patterns. One of those needle sets would definitely be useful for all my projects.

  16. I love their needles and would adore using these! This year I am knitting jewelry from Knockout knits for gifts :-)

  17. I've even finished some of my holiday knitting, but I definitely have these 4" tips on my wish list!

  18. I plan to make a Butin Necklace, a couple of Pioneer Cuffs, a couple of Cheerio Necklaces all for gift-giving. And then as a "Gift To Self", I plan to finish my Magnify Shawl ~ Woo Hoo!!
    Thank you, Laura and ChiaoGoo xoxox

  19. I first used ChaiGoo needles with the Magia KAL. The needles and hooks feel so nice in the hands. They're my new favorite brand!

  20. Would love to have these needles. Knitting shawls for Christmas! Lots of RED!

  21. I am knitting some cowls for gifts this season. One of these sets would be lovely. I do not have any ChiaoGoos as of yet and so many Nelkinites are raving about them. Thanks, Laura
    Love, Barbara (hehl) on ravelry

  22. I am knitting a few cowls for granddaughters. I love ChiaoGoo needles!

  23. I "requested" your book for my birthday present and my sister generously obliged! I have resumed my MKAL Trapeze (I know, I know!!) and plan to gift it to a dear friend for Christmas and it's in the red hue so very holiday-looking. Now for the next project with the ChiaoGoos, hmmm.....

  24. I usually knit cowls and hats for Christmas and winter birthday gifts. I try to have a few extras around in case of a last minute need for a gift. I've never tried these needles; would love to win! Can you also gift me more time in my day to knit, by chance? ;)

  25. Love to have a set of ChiaGoo needles please

  26. Everyone will get something knitted -- either a hat, gloves or a cowl. I would LOVE to win these needles!!!

  27. I have never knit with ChiaoGoo before but I would like to do;)))

  28. It is all about the hats this year! And, a few sets of fingerless mitts. These would definitely come in handy.

  29. I have a set of the larger ChiaoGoo needles so I could really use the smaller set. I plan on making a cute slipper boot pattern for my Sister-in-Law and my niece. It gets cold in Michigan.

  30. Right now with fall setting in I am really focused on sweaters - mainly for me! But now that you mention holiday knitting, I realize how handy an extra set of needles would be so I could also cast on a couple of hats or cowls for Christmas presents! Thanks for a great giveaway! I am really looking forward to the M club open KALs - I made a Juego and love it (loved the whole process) and can't justify the whole club as much as I'd like to (crazy stash) but your KALs are always so great!

  31. I am looking to make several fingerless mittens & boot toppers for friends!

  32. Oh wow, those ChiaoGoo needle sets are gorgeous! I'd love to try a set out so feel free to send one my way, LOL! Holiday knitting? Well, this year I'm only knitting two special shawls. They're for family members that truly appreciate the love & hard work that goes into making handmade gifts. Working on just two projects should help reduce my holiday stress level too.

  33. Oh, that's a nice opportunity to actually write down the list I have in my head. So, I have to finish a light fingering cardigan for my sister. And knit to shawlettes for a couple of friends. And a ribbed scarf for a third one. Oh and a wrap for another one. Somewhere in between I would like to start a couple of pullovers for myself made out of cotton/wool blend. And I have to start my Edinburgh Yarn Festival project. I would like to knit a cardigan because Edinburgh in March is like an open fridge... I think I will need more than one set...

  34. I have two Cambio cowls to knit for Christmas and need to finish a Clarus shawl for my grandmother. If I get through those, I'll add more!

  35. Oh, my gosh! Wonderful treat indeed! I'm planning to make Mica Mitts for a couple of friends and 3 scarves for family as my Christmas knitting! Extra ChiaoGoo needles would come in really handy!!

    needlecat on Ravelry

  36. I've wanted to try these needles forever! I'm working on a Dreambird wrap and a bunch of gift socks and hats.

  37. Sweater for oldest daughter nor her boyfriend 3/4 done. Don't think I'm going to attempt anything else.....

  38. I have a vest to knit for my littlest nephew and a few other things that are still under consideration! These needles look lovely.

  39. What a fun giveaway; I'm in need of a new needle set as my cheap set is all stripped! For Christmas knitting, it's socks for DH and DD1. DD2 might get a rainbow poncho: and for myself, I need to finish a wrap that I bought from Churchmouse yarns so that I can start a cowl.

  40. I'm working on hats and mittens for Christmas gifts and hope to pick up a Cambio cowl kit at Vogue Knitting this weekend. I love ChiaGoo bamboo circulars so am really wanting to try these interchangeables!

  41. I am knitting capes. Love your bracelets but I keep them for myself. Will try to stop by in Chicago. I am volunteering at VKL. See you there.

  42. Oooh, something new to try, how exciting! I'm making some fingerless mitts for my guys and scarves, shawls and leg warmers for my girls. It's going to be a challenge to get it all done in time.

  43. I would love a set of ChiaoGoo needles. I have a couple sets and just love them. I am working on some items for Holiday gifting. Fingerless mitts, hats and cowls. I have a Cambio on the needles right now and I love the way the pattern is working out.

  44. I love the ChiaGoo red lace needles! Would love to try the interchangeables. No one can EVER have too many needles. I'm planning on lots of cozy moebius scarves for Christmas gifts this year.

    iceboxofpaknits on Ravelry

  45. Oh, these look awesome! I love ChiaGoo! Please include me in the drawing.

    Aaron York Langston - aka airbug on Ravelry

  46. I need to finish two more scarves for a charity project. My goal was one scarf a month, so I need to get Nov and Dec scarves done early next month. And to finish my Magnify scarf, which I've had so much fun making, and wear it to the Christmas concert.

  47. I haven't begun to think about Christmas knitting, because I have been busy finishing baby items for my new grandson. I love the ChiaGoo needles that I currently have and think the 4 inch tips would be great for all this baby knitting!

  48. Those look like fabulous needles for those of us who eschew the dpns's! Ive got a ridiculously unrealistic holiday knitting list: a couple of shawls, some finerless mitts, a sweater for Zoe, hats and hats. A girl can dream.

  49. I have so much to make! I set a precisely and now my family expects lots of accessories. :) thanks for the giveaway!

  50. mememememe!!! I NEED these!!! I have hats, hot water bottle covers, cowls and mitts to do for Christmas. these 4" tips would be perfect!

  51. We have my son's wedding right before the holidays so I don't have any plans for knitting this Christmas.

  52. I'll be making a bunch of fingerless mitts for holiday gifts. I love your new book which I just got last week, so maybe something out of that!

    There's definitely a need for the shorter needles in some projects.
    woolyeyes on Ravelry

  53. I've recently started exploring using circulars instead of DPNs, so this interchangable set is intriguing! This year for Christmas I'm feeling ambitious, apparently. I started back in September, but I'm only a hat and 3/4 of another in. Still on the list are an adult sized sweater, a baby sweater, a cowl, and a small toy. There are 12 days of Christmas, right?

    bookworm0226 on Ravelry

  54. OMG 4" needles! I also bought the singles in the 4" and put them in the case along with my others. Very glad they have come out with these. My Christmas knitting is almost done, just 2 more cowls to finish, Yippie. I am super excited to see you when you come to VA Beach in March 2015, Cant wait to take a class with you!!! Enjoy the Holidays! <3 <3 <3

  55. I have a couple of your bracelet kits that I want to work on for gifts.

  56. Holiday Knitting - yep definitely time to start now that the wood fire is going. I plan to knit my sister a set of socks and my son a hat. cguard on rav

  57. Scarves and dishcloths are what I will be knitting this Christmas. I'm new to knitting as of a month ago and love it. I would sure appreciate this needle set.

    Pamela Q

  58. I'm working on some cowls with matching hats and mittens that are part gloves. My first project though, this season is a baby blanket for a friend expecting her child around the holidays. I would love a pair of these ChiaGoo needles as I can never find smaller ones I like for smaller projects.

    E Marie - socestlavie on ravelry

  59. I'm going to focus on little things: mitts, cowls, hats. It would be great to do these on new needles, especially ones I've heard so much about!

  60. I have done two hats for the holidays and am planning some dish clothes and facial scrubs as well. I don't do a ton of Christmas knitting. My family is small and they don't wear knitted things much.

  61. I'm knitting sweaters for myself and my daughter. I dislike knitting gifts for the holidays because that puts me on a timetable and I do not want to have to have something done by a certain time.

  62. I plan on making my Mom a hat with ear flaps and fleece lining and I have just joined a shawl KAL, that is going to be a present for myself. ;)

  63. Yes, I have begun my holiday knitting (slippers, hats, cowls...), including one or two items from Knockout Knits, which is full of numerous innovative designs unlike what's seen elsewhere. Thank you for that book and your continuing originality, Laura!

  64. Oh how I would love to knit with ChiaGoo needles. Please pick me!!

  65. I would like to get one of the sets! :)

  66. I do my Christmas knitting all year long. That way I can do more complicated knits and not have to worry about the rush at the end. I have a set of lace ChiaoGoo needles and love them! They are my go-to needles.

  67. What a great holiday surprise this will be for one of us "Crafty Ladies!" Coune me in!

  68. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!

    Rav: HollyBerries

  69. Ohhh.. I would love the 4" set. I have two sets and they are the only needles I use now. But, 4" would be a wonderful addition.

  70. Christmas Knitting fingerless gloves for the granddaughters, mittens for the little ones, ear flap hat for one son and hats and teddy bears for the rest. Thank you very much.

  71. My family gets hats every year, and since my immediate family is over a dozen people, I should be started already. But I'm currently in the "Look at all the pretty patterns!" Stage.

  72. I have started my holiday knitting. Working on some scarves and the going to make some mitts. I love ChiaGoo needles and don't have the 4" ones. You can never have enough needles!

  73. Love those needles! Just have one thing to knit. I spun some cat fur from a coworkers' cat that I still need to figure out what to knit it as,

  74. Upstate NY can get pretty cold in the winter months. I cannot think of a much more relaxing evening than knitting fingerless mitts with a new set of ChiaoGoo needles while drinking a hot cup of tea and a watching a good movie! Thank you for the opportunity!

  75. I have the complete 5" set and would love these for more mitts and my first socks!

  76. I love Chiagoo - the Crafty-Lady´s needles!
    And I am always out of cables or needles due to WIP´s!
    My holiday knitting will be Magmatic Boom, Dancing Embers, finishing Magia!!! and Las Cruces if I find time for that, too, or finally manage to grow my second pair of arms!


  77. I've not used ChaioGoo interchangables before but would love to give them a try. Giving myself a break this year with holiday knitting ---no goals, just wandering where I will. ;)

  78. My holiday knitting is well underway. I am making a cowl for my daughter's teacher, a beaded lace shawl for my sister-in-law, a couple of hats for my daughter, and a shawl for me. I would love to win a 4" set of ChiaoGoo interchangeable needles. I purchased a 5" set of the twist needles after reading you blog a while back and I use them all the time. The shorter set would help me knitting hats and other smaller items.

  79. Wow !!! these are my favorite needles - I have been buying them one at a time - to have a whole set.... amazing. I am making a top down cardigan for my grand daughters and daughter and love to knit crescent shaped lace shawls. The ChiaoGoo needles are the best for lace. Thanks

  80. I just started a sweater for me but I think that I will have to set it aside to do some hat knitting for Christmas. Those ChiaGoo needles would sure be helpful. I'm janineny2001 on Rav.

  81. I have a set of bamboo ChaioGoo needles borrowed from my best friend. I'd really love to have a set of my very own.

  82. Magmatic Boom again, Proxil mitts and oscillo. So much patterns from laura to do. Cambio cowl too. Dream about knitting with my own ChiaGoo's at the Christmastree.

  83. I am planning five pairs of mittens. Two are designed to look like Olaf from Frozen. I knit in the round on two circulars...these would be great!

  84. Since I am a new grandmother, I'll be knitting lots of baby boy things for Christmas!

    Lynn AKA furbeycat in ravelry

  85. Felted slippers for everyone this year! And I love ChiaGoo circulars in sock sizes and would love to have them in larger sizes.

  86. Not sure my post uploaded would love to win!

    janetlatifa on Rav

  87. I have only used their crochet hooks and I love them! I really need to try out their needles!

  88. My goodness, this holiday I'm going to catch up on all the Nelkin Designs I have started or queued.

    Sonnydays in Ravelry

  89. My post didn't publish for some reason, so trying again. A girl can't have too many needles. Will be working on Stellanti as my holiday knitting (my gift to me). Also doing cowls and fingerless gloves for friends.
    CindyMalone. On Ravelry.

  90. I would love to try ChiaGoo interchangeables. I am using the Denise set now, which is fine for small projects, but when I try to extend the length they don't always want to cooperate and come apart!

    Working various patterns from new book....Juego Cowls on the needles now, then Haven!

  91. I'm trying not to go too crazy for holiday knitting this year. So far I'm making a sweater (for my sweetie) - but it's already begun so I don't expect it to be a rushed knit. And my mom wants some felted stuff. Otherwise, I hope to stay calm and knit for fun and not on deadline!

  92. I would love to have a shot at these. I have never used the inter-changeable set but it's on the Christmas idea list.....Making - I have a couple of hats in mind for my nieces, a Heliopath Vest in brown almost complete and one in light blue to YET complete for said nieces as well. I have your Oscillo Scarf in mind for my bestie too because I am sure to run out of time!!

  93. 4 inch ChiaoGoo needles would be lovely. Still working on various MKAL and signing up for more. Amassing quite a collection and a great way to have gifts on hand. Please include me in your draw.

  94. My holiday knitting plans are: fingerless mitts for my daughters; a hat for my baby grandson; spa cloths for the extended family. And MAYBE I'll finish the Christmas tree skirt from Handmade Holidays that I started 2 years ago! Thanks for the chance to win a set of needles.

  95. I already have my family holiday knitting done. It has to be shipper to Australia and will be mailed fairly soon. But my current project is supporting a local charity to benefit homeless veterans. They live outside and really appreciate knitted garments. Currently knitting a WWII cap called Beanie 212, which was it's pattern number in a Red Cross booklet published in the 40s.
    Happy holidays to all!

  96. I began using Chiao Goo needles after Laura recommended them in her Craftsy class. For the holidays I am making fingerless gloves and a scarf for a man. This set looks fabulous!! Thanks for this opportunity.

  97. I do not have any interchangeable needles. I always dreamed of having them. They would be a treat for me! For the holidays, I'm knitting up socks and also knitting beautiful ornaments with beads. I purchased your new book, Knockout Knits, at the Sheep and Wool Festival, so I plan on making some things from that book too. Too many projects, so little time!

  98. Kathy Houser Academy30 Raverly IDOctober 23, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    making christmas presents from Knockout Knits, fingerless gloves and braclets

  99. I would love to be the lucky winner of these interchangeable needles. I have two circular Chiao Goo needles in my stash but no short ones. These would be wonderful for many Nelkin projects instead of needing to use double pointed needles.

  100. Wow! Thanks.. I finished knit two gifts. One is from your: letus scarf with the beads. And another one is from ysolda wee liesl. My ravelry id is mommyknitter208.

  101. I would be so honored to be the winner of a winning new set of Chiao Goo needles! I just finished a cowlette, have a pair of socks on my needles right now, and plan to start some mittens and a hat soon. My Ravelry ID is dmallen.

  102. I am planning to knit cowls, mittens and monsters for the holiday this year. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! katbetty on Ravelry

  103. I love Chiao Goo needles. Making a couple of pairs of mittens for grandbabies and some cowls and shawls for friends. Thanks for the great giveaway. I am Cathy-O on Ravelry.

  104. They sound lovely. I know my daughter and I can use a set for our shawls :)

  105. Every year I kill myself knitting sweaters and hats for my family. This year, I am starting a new tradition and knitting for myself! I'll be working on a lovely burgundy wool cardigan just for me!
    Rav. ID: spinfrenzy

  106. Wow! I have the 5" set and have been planning on buying the 4" tips for smaller projects. I think I know what I'll be asking for for Christmas if I'm not lucky enough to win.

    Rav ID alilou78

  107. I wanted a set of interchangables for Christmas so I could do a couple of Norah Gaughn sweaters. Would love to use these.
    Rav ID Bevmcc

  108. I love my Red Lace Chiaogoo needles, and would love a set with the 4" tips. These are wonderful needles for knitting lace.

    finnknitter on Ravelry

  109. I have Lolly Pod on my needles as a Christmas gift. Would love a set of ChiagoGoo and so cool that it means Crafty Lady!

    MMahoney on Ravelry

  110. I LOVE Chiaogoo needles (and love that it means Crafty Lady). I always have too many projects going, and the small animals, mitts, and socks that I love to make would make the 4" needles valuable. I know there are more projects from your book that I want to make.

  111. Wow wow wow, I would love a set of these. Knitting lots of lace projects for gifts and more than one oscillo scarf for some very special people. I'm paburk on ravelry.

  112. I would really like to add the 4" tips to my collection of Chiaogoo needles.

  113. Christmas knitting has begun with the Prolux Mitts and the Hay Bale Mitts. I love my ChaioGoo needles and know that the smaller tips would be great for hat knitting. How wonderful of you to sponsor their giveaway. Thank uou.

  114. I'll be wrapping partially finished gifts on needles on Christmas Eve with a promise to finish it b January.

  115. I'm planning hats, hats and more hats for my Holliday knitting and I'd love to try these new 4 inch tips

  116. I have never used ChaioGoo knitting needles but have used their crochet hooks and love them. I am sure this set would be a great help with all the hats and shawls I have to make for relatives back East.

  117. Started using Chaio Goo needles this year and I am in love! Been working on holiday knitting already. Done 2 pairs of Prolix Mitts, the Folly Cloche and a Gusto cowl. Of course, Halli is travelling around the world but I also need to cast on the lovely hood from Knockout Knits and, and, and .... Yup, definitely gonna need some extra needles.

  118. Would love a set of ChiaoGoo. I do not currently own any but have heard wonderful things about them and would love to try them.

  119. The new set of needles look wonderful. They would be perfect for the patterns I plan to knit from Knockout Knits.
    Carolm7323 on Ravelry.

  120. 2 shawls and a cabled afghan re on my list. Thank you!

  121. Hats shawls and mittens are on my Christmas to do list

  122. Oooh what a great giveaway! As usual I have lined up far too much holiday making, but finished one early. we'll see how it goes from here....

  123. Where do I sign up for the giveaway?

  124. So many projects, so little time, and too few needles! I'm working on baby gifts (lolly pod and hat), Christmas gifts (Vancouver fog fingerless gloves but adding beads, man hats), and a lace shawl. Hopefully I'll have time over the holidays to finish them all!

  125. I'm trying to finish a sweater so that I can jump into knitting from Knockout Knits. I'm planning on small projects for the holidays: socks, boot cuffs, fingerless mitts, cowls and hats. I have some beautiful yarn in my stash. I've heard good things about the ChiaoGoo needles, and I would like to try them. Since I usually have several projects going on at once, an interchangeable set would be very useful.

  126. Hi! I've completed all 4 of my M-Club projects and have been debating about which ones I want to give for Christmas. I love them all, but I have a few people in my family who will love them just as much! I'm now on to the jewelry kits that I've been saving for Christmas presents. Thank you!

  127. It would be great to have the 4" set for hats.

  128. I would love to have a set! I want to make some fingerless mitts!

  129. You'll have nice weather for Vogue Knitting this weekend in Chicago! Projects this winter include a silk lace shawl, pullover sweater, brioche hat, stripey pullover and more gloves. Lots to do.

  130. Fiorile October 23rd
    a wind of change, that is from double-pointed needles, might blow to France for my future projects of hats, cowls and jewelry, with this wonderful set of needles.
    Dear Laura, your name is always associated with juicy things: projects, creative ideas, and now even a giveaway!

  131. I have no idea what to make this year. I will wait and see what comes off the needles in time for the holidays.

    bootsnap on ravelry

  132. I am not a experienced knitter so I will be knitting scarfs, cowls and trying some socks. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  133. I have not tried their needles yet, but I love interchangeable sets, and would come in real handy!

    Knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

  134. I am working on 4 pairs of socks and a lace shawl. I love ChiaoGoo needles and am practically giddy thinking about all the fun projects I could make with these lovely needles.

  135. Trying to finish a Christmas sweater, make a couple of hats and experiment with Cat Bordhi's new e book, Versatilde.

  136. I would love to knit with the 4" needle set. I love all types of circular needles!

  137. I have gift knitting and new baby granddaughter due in Dec. I would love to try needles out.

  138. I am still knitting on the Christmas gifts. And just finishing Obsessio right now. I would love to win this set of ChiaoGoo needles. !!!

  139. I have already started my holiday knitting. I have finished a hat and matching cowl, am halfway done on a pair of watermelon socks, will then do 2 more pairs of socks, & finish a chunky cabled afghan. If those get done with time to spare, I would like to knit 2 christmas stockings for my mantal, and a couple of amimal ornaments for my favorite peeps. If I still have some time I would then knit a couple of spa cloths and soap sacs for hotess gifts, if time still permits I will try get the picture! :) Those Chigoo's would really be a nice addition to my holiday knitting arsenal. Thanks Laura!!

    Laura (stampergrandma on Ravelry)

  140. I planned on making a son a sweater, but all my "selfish" knitting got in the way, so now I decided to make it a holiday gift for him. These needles would come in handy for the sleeves. Thanks for the chance to win a set!
    SylviePB on Rav

  141. Oh wow, third time lucky and maybe this post will work! ChaioGoo needles are my favourite! Nice contest. I am knitting some very fine socks right now in a pale green at the top and then gradient to purple at the toes. To match in the pale green I am going to do a fine shawl but haven't decided on the pattern. thumbelinaspins on Ravelry.

    1. OOOh what a great giveaway. Would love these needles.

  142. I am finishing up some leg warmers and have to find a pattern I can adapt for a flying bald eagle in knitting.I have never used these needles and would love to win them.

    Zowmom on Ravelry

  143. Holiday plans include socks and casting on for a shawl from your Craftsy class! One can never have enough fiber tools!

  144. Oooooo, yay for this new set. Cowls and scarves are mostly on the agenda for Christmas knitting. However, in speaking with some other moms at school who swear that they can't find a hat style that works for their head, I foresee knitting them hats to disprove this. 4" tips will be mighty handy for these :)
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    cinnymom on Ravelry

  145. These would be a perfect compliment to my small and large sets of 5" ChiaoGoo interchangeables. I am knitting a shawl and some stocking caps for gifts this year. 'Tis the season!

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. I love chaiogoo needles. I'm knitting hats and dryer balls for Christmas.

  148. Love all your patterns Laura....and I'd love a chance to win the 4" ChiaoGoo Interchangeables...I too have the 5" set and absolutely LOVE them....I think I'm going to try some of beaded jewellery as my Christmas knitting...

    Arlene...I'm sewbiz53 on Rav...

  149. 4" ChiaGoo interchangeable sounds perfect for the gift-giving time, when you have to make those small projects!

  150. I'm knitting fingerless mitts, scarves, and hats this year for Christmas, and maybe one or two stereo cuffs! RegenoldFarm on Ravelry

  151. I am knitting Gusto and Cruzado, along with mitts from you MKAL.

    Love your give aways and love ChiaGoo needles.

  152. I'm thinking of knitting some cotton market bags as presents. I've been looking at interchangeable sets and would love to win these. I'm partial to bamboo needles and haven't had the chance to try ChiaGoo's.

  153. I have a couple of baby things that I plan on knitting soon. These needles would come in very handy!

    Nursekerri on ravelry

  154. My comment got eaten. I'll try again, please erase if it's a duplicate!

    My holiday plans include a scarf for DH and all the rest is for me! I'm really looking forward to a few projects from Knockout Knits, and have some fingerless gloves and hats on my to-do list, so this set of ChiaGoo's sound perfect for my upcoming knitting. I've never tried ChiaGoo, but I've heard such good things about them.

  155. I love the ChiaGoo needles. They have a very smooth join and never snag my yarn. I would love to give a set of the interchangeables a new home!
    As far as Christmas knitting? Finish up a good amount of what I currently have on the I can cast on more projects in 2015!

  156. My holiday consists of toys for my 7 grandbabes and scarfs or cowls for their mothers. I would love a 4" set to be included in my needle stash. Thank you for this opportunity. My Ravelry name is : sleekymom.

  157. I got into knitting only 2-3 years ago... and I can't stop! On the bus, watching TV, reviewing university lectures, and even in the bath :) I have became famous for it in my class and everybody wants a "tuque" now :) My holidays knitting schedule certainly is busy...

    I have recently started a quest to find the best IC needles set and I have read only good things about the ChiaoGoo set. I would be so delighted to have my very own set!!

  158. I'm planning on making socks for my husband and brother this holiday season, as well as a blanket for our home. New needles would be great for those new projects!

  159. Making clothing for the grandbabies! And those needles with the short cables would certainly come in very handy!! :)

  160. I have only 1 ChaioGoo needle (circular) and love it. I would love to have more. I have a lot to do for Xmas , and hose would be perfect.
    mlm125 on Ravelry

  161. I would love these needles! Since you have released so many great patterns this fall, I have started working on more than one project at a time. I currently have Las Cruces going and am casting on for Magmatic Boom and have plans to do some mitts for holiday gifts.

  162. I am playing it safe this year and only have one project left. What a great giveaway!
    Lucy21780 on Rav.

  163. I love my Chiaogoos - but don't have this smaller set - as I really like to do hats (favorite small accessory) and fingerless gloves, a set of these would come in super handy! Thanks for the chance to win them! - hirsheybolt on Ravelry

  164. OOh those needles look amazing...thanks for organzing this!

    alikat2004 at

  165. I love Chiagoo needles. I have bought so many singles because I have run out of the size I need! I would love a set. Thank you!

  166. I love the Chigoo needles I already have, but these would be a great addition to the collection.

  167. I have way toooo much Holiday knitting to list!! I'm afraid my list is suffering from delusions of Grandeur!!! I love ChiaGoo interchangeables!! Having this 4" set would help me in my mad mania Christmas knitting of 4 PROLIX mitts!! I have 5 requests for fingerless mitts!!! DD, DILOVE, SISTER AND SILOVE are all getting different color Prolix mitts. Not to mention socks requested by BIL, a scarf for DS and a hat for my brother!?!?! I love that my family appreciates my knitted gifts, but I'd appreciate their requests in July!!!��������

  168. A shrug for one daughter and shawl for another. And of course some projects still on needles for me!

  169. A big Rebecca Danger monster for the baby, hand warmers or cowls for daycare teachers and a couple of scarves for family friends. I contemplated new family stockings but decided I just don't have time this year.

  170. The new 4"set sounds great - especially for the fingerless mitts and hats I'll be knitting for holiday gifts this year ... since you're heading to DC and MD soon ... one hat will be burgundy for a MD friend who is a huge DC football fan ... because his wife adopted the burgundy, gold, and red hat that I knit him last year! I'll also be knitting a vest for their oldest daughter. My brother requested fingerless mitts ... and I'll knit jewelry, too. Lots of your patterns will make an appearance for my holiday knitting.

  171. Laura's Craftsy class on knitting lace shawls opened a new world for me. I have a 5 inch set of Chiaogoo small sizes and would love one of four inch tips. I have purchased extra short tips because of the hat knitting and this year I am trying Christmas socks and more shawl and hat gifts so the Chiaogoos will be flying... more needles would be a great joy. Thanks Chiaogoo for a nice gift chance and a wonderful product.

  172. omg , holiday knitting!!! i must get on it .. thaks lovely prise xx

  173. I've been knitting for a Christmas craft bazaar. Anything that doesn't sell becomes a Christmas gift that I don't have to hurry up and finish at the last minute - yay!

  174. I'm knitting a scarf and shawl and baby sweated for gifts.

  175. I'm planning to make some knitted beaded jewelry, scarves, and shawls from Christmas gifts - I'd love to use the Chiaogoo needles!

  176. Hi! I am knee deep in stranded hats here! I'm making everyone in my family individually customized hats this year :-). That's a LOT of hats!

  177. Beaded scarves, beret and cowls. ChiaGoo needles would be perfect for these!

  178. For my holiday knitting, I'm working on a Skywalker shawl and planning to make a scarf and a few hats. - Becki RavId: QuiltingGeek

  179. Holiday projects call for special yarn. I'm breaking out the good stuff I've been saving for a special occasion.

  180. Several projects from Knockout Knits are slated for holiday knitting, as are several hats and a stocking. Heard great things about these needles. I would love them!

  181. I planned my holiday knitting out, even scheduled it out. Oh the best of intentions...this Christmas Tree Skirt is taking FOREVER. 4 weeks for 2000 yards?! What was I thinking?! It's almost at 2 feet wide at least...It's the only thing I promised to anyone so I may get away with buying small things for everyone else if worse comes to worse hah

  182. I've knit a Christmas stocking for my newest granddaughter, started some socks for my mom, finished a scarf for my brother and hope to make a few other gifts as well. This is the earliest I've ever had some Christmas knitting accomplished!

  183. I think my comment got lost in cyberspace... so here I go again...
    ChiaoGoos are my favorite needles!!! I think 4" tips woulf fit perfectly in my small hands :) For this Christmas, I'm making sets of scarves, mittens and hats. It was so nice of ChiaoGoo to donate these needles and thank you Laura for passing them on.

  184. I have 2 guy hats and a cowl that I need to get done to take to Oz for Christmas, as well as a couple pair of socks, a couple pair of fingerless mitts, thinking the Craftsy Nov KAL mits will make a great gift, and a silk cowl to get ready for the family here at home. Must knit faster.........

  185. Sadly I've been knitless for months as I've been too busy to start a project. It's paralysis by analysis - I buy a beautiful pattern and then become insecure about my ability to start and finish it once I read it. Maybe having these needles will give me that kick-start I need - that and a paid tutor. Thank you Laura for letting me live a knitters life vicariously through your website and beautiful patterns. Some day I've got to move it, move it.

  186. My holiday marathon knitting hasn't started yet so I need to get on it. I want to make something small for everyone on my list. I've been wanting to get new needles so who knows, these could be it! Cheers!
    pinkysuede on Ravelry

  187. I'm using some right now even though the cable is too long for what I'm doing, love the tips.

  188. What a dream giveaway! Thank you Laura and ChiaoGoo!

    As far as holiday knitting...shhh, I haven't started yet. I do have plans for many ornaments.

  189. What a great giveaway!! :) I'm making one thing each for everyone in the immediate family except the toddler -- he's so little that I think I'll whip up a few things for him. Small, cute, instant gratification. :). --Bookaholic13 on Ravelry

  190. I would REALLY love to have a set of needles like this.

  191. Love Chiaogoo interchangeables!!!! Red twist is the best! I already have a set but 99 % of the time all the needles are occupied by my own designs. I test knit my designs to make sure instructions are clear and error free and would greatly benefit having extra set to be occupied by my projects. ChiaoGoo have the smoothest join and they never came undone for me. Its the best set to have!

  192. A hat and finish a cardigan I started a long long time ago.

  193. I'm being a little selfish this year. I need to finish some wips for myself by the end of the year in order to start with a clean slate on Jan 1. That means finishing one sweater, two shawls, and a pair of socks. :)

  194. Doing Prolixx Mitts and a Cowl for presents. Sure would love to win this nice set of Chia Goo needles,


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