The Winner... and some giggles!

Ready to hear the winner of the Chiaogoo Interchangeable Needle Set? 

OMG! Laura, after 41 years of working day in and day out, I am retiring next Friday!!!!! I hear these needles talking to me and screaming my name! Oh, they would become my new best friend! I would take such good care of them -- I would talk to them everyday .... Oh, I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

The winner has been chosen by a RANDOM number generator, I couldn't really give extra points for those you who made me laugh out loud (as that wouldn't be fair...).

I did save a few particularly amusing comments that I thought might make you chuckle too!  I know there were more funny ones, but with 1,192 comments I couldn't include them all!  Thanks so much for providing me with some much needed entertainment!

I'm having weird Star Wars dreams as I complete my Skywalker shawl:

Palpatine (Laura): "Welcome, young Skywalker. I've been expecting you. You no longer need those.(Uses the force to muddle through the tangle of nasty, unpliable nylon circular needles in my bag.) In time, you will call me master."

Luke (looking oddly like me): "You're gravely mistaken. Look at my dropped stitches and uneven tension. I swear to God, I really did a swatch this time."
Palpatine (Laura): "Oh no, my (cough)young Jedi. You will find it is you who are mistaken." (Hands me the beautiful red corded needles.)
Luke (me): "Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon."...To be continued--hopefully. (I lust for those needles...Is that so wrong?

Please choose me: auntieree on Ravelry)

I am a needle whore; need I say more?
Fat, thin, short, long; I dream of needles all the day long.

I while away my days in a needle induced haze.
As I stated before, I am a needle whore.

(I can be contacted about the prize at enogal40 at is after you stop laughing so hard you almost pee your pants :)

Thank you and have a lovely Chiagoo day :)

If only real life were like yummy interchangeable needle sets:
One husband to do chores around the house - switch him for:
the sexy, smooth-talking guy or
the athletic, outdoorsy guy or
the 'in touch with my feelings guy or
the master chef or
whatever combination suits the occasion!

And since that kind of activity is rather frowned upon, I'll have to stick with one husband and go for the interchangeable needle set. I'm excited to try these; Chiaogoo has excellent needles!
I would love to give these a try.......but more importantly, can I be your bridesmaid? ;-)

kiltsnquilts on Ravelry
Too bad you didn't say "I Do" quick enough, cause I'm taking the next plane to Vegas with them. Which chapel do you think those needles would like? hum the Elvis one or one of the others?

And do ya think that using a set of really good needles I won't make mistakes since I only have those yucky interchangeable Boyle ones I always make mistakes. I think that it would make a difference...

But anyway, I want to say thanks for giving them a try and enjoying them so much that you are raving about them and in turn offering us a chance to win a set.

To paraphrase the bard:

To lace knit, or not to lace knit, that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of inferior Needles,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of snags,
And by opposing end them: to knit, to lace knit
Once more; and by an elegant needle, to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand Natural annoyances
That poor needles are heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To knit to lace knit,…
By all my lace knits be remembered

Ravelry ID knitchef
Sally BC
OUUUUUUHHHH, those needles look nice. I'd love to win something like that. If I did, I'd knit you something Laura! Now that should make you laugh!
Dearest Laura , Dearest Laura.
Here I'm with no great needles.
I am person of good knitting .
And have no interchangeable needles.
Love my life but it could be better if I had those fantastic needles.
And my I add you are smartest person I ever met.
( perhaps that last was over the top, but a lady has to try.)
Oh! Oh! Me! Me! MEEEE!!! Pick ME! Me me MEEEE! My-last-interchangables-fell-apart-and-I-tried-to-super-glue-them! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! Please! Please! PLEASE!!!


  1. Those are funny!! I am very tempted to buy a set of these needles...

  2. I may not have won the prize(sob) but it was an honor to be nominated(smile sob)!

  3. Congrats to Carol the winner.... and I'm just proud that I'm also one the lucky ones who was mentioned above.. Guess I'm not going to Vegas this weekend..Oh well... Guess what the kids and hubby are buying me for my birthday next week..

    Thanks again for the chance

  4. Congrats Carol!!! It sounds like the needles have found a good home. Enjoy them and Happy Knitting!! :) :)

  5. Congrats to Carol...I'm hoping you and your new set of needles have a happy and fruitful retirement! With your excellent knitting skills I am sure there will be many more MKALs in your future! Enjoy!!!

  6. Congrats to the winner! There are a bunch of jealous knitters out there today! But happy for her as well I'm sure! I think there will be a few people with this set on their Christmas or birthday wish lists.

  7. Congrats to Carol. What a great way to start your retirement, great new knitting needles to set the tone for a wonderful new phase in your life.

  8. OMG! I just found out! I am so excited!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!! Tomorrow is my first day of retirement. How special is this!

  9. wow, such great timing-hope you continue to win. jojobr @ravelry


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